Satan - The Devil, Lucifer, Accuser, Adversary, Angel of the bottomless pit, Deceiver, Father of Lies, Ruler of the Darkness, Son of Perdition, Fallen Star
Symbol of Satan


Also known as: The Devil, Lucifer, Accuser, Adversary, Angel of the bottomless pit, Deceiver, Father of Lies, Ruler of the Darkness, Son of Perdition, Fallen Star

Areas of influence:

  • Wealth and Money
  • Fame and Success
  • Power
  • Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Pleasure and Desire
  • Love, Friendship and Loyalty
  • Strength and Courage
  • Focus and Creativity
  • Health, Healing and Protection
  • Control over Nature and Elements
  • Vengeance and Harm
  • Reproduction

Average Satisfaction:

Signing a contract with Satan could unlock:

  • A general rule for the working of necromancy (Info: Cambridge Book of Magic)
  • Liber de nativitatibus, (Book: Abraham Ibn Ezra )
  • Singing to the Father (Info: St Ignatius of Antioch )
  • A Spell to Get the Right Job for You (Image: Encyclopedia of Spell by Michael Johnstone)
  • An image for enduring love. (Info: Picatrix)

About Satan

Once upon a time, in a celestial realm far above the mortal world, there was an angel named Lucifer. He was the brightest star in Heaven, known for his unparalleled beauty and wisdom. Lucifer served as God's right-hand angel, and his name meant "Morning Star" or "Light-bringer."

As time passed, Lucifer grew proud and ambitious. He coveted the power and adoration that God received, and his arrogance led him to rebel against the divine order. Lucifer convinced a faction of angels to join him in a rebellion against God's rule.

The rebellion led to a catastrophic war in Heaven. Ultimately, God's forces prevailed, and Lucifer and his followers were cast out of Heaven. They fell from grace like shooting stars, their once-glorious forms twisted and corrupted as they descended into the depths of darkness.

As they landed in a place that would later become known as Hell, Lucifer adopted a new name: Satan, which means "adversary" or "accuser." He became the ruler of Hell and the master of its fiery realms.

Satan's bitterness towards God fueled his desire to corrupt and tempt humanity. He entered the Garden of Eden in the form of a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Their disobedience led to humanity's expulsion from paradise, and Satan reveled in their fall.

Throughout history, Satan continued to tempt, corrupt, and sow discord among humans. He became a symbol of evil, tempting mortals to commit sin and leading them astray from righteousness.

Satan's character and role have been the subject of theological debate for centuries. Some see him as the ultimate embodiment of evil, while others view him as a necessary antagonist in the divine plan, testing humanity's faith and resolve.

Satan's story has inspired countless works of literature, art, and popular culture. From Milton's "Paradise Lost" to modern portrayals in film and television, Satan remains a compelling and complex figure in the human imagination.

According to some religious traditions, Satan's ultimate fate will be sealed in the end times. He will be defeated by divine forces, and evil will be vanquished forever.

What to expect from Satan

Satan, often depicted as a malevolent supernatural being in various religious and mythological traditions, is typically associated with evil, temptation, and chaos. It's important to note that beliefs about Satan vary widely among different cultures and religious groups. Below is a list of common expectations or characteristics attributed to Satan in various traditions:

Temptation: Satan is often seen as a tempter, luring individuals into sinful or morally compromising actions. Evil and Malevolence: Satan is commonly associated with evil, wickedness, and malicious intent. Rebellion: In Christian theology, Satan is believed to have rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven. Deception: Satan is considered a master of deceit and falsehood, capable of leading people astray with lies and half-truths. Opposition to Goodness: Satan is seen as the adversary of all that is good, virtuous, and holy. Demonic Minions: In some beliefs, Satan is said to command a host of demons who carry out his malevolent work. Hell: In many religious traditions, Satan is believed to reside in Hell, where he punishes the damned and orchestrates suffering. Symbolism: Satan is often symbolized by various images, including a horned creature, a serpent, or a fallen angel. Influence on Human Affairs: Some people believe that Satan can influence human actions and thoughts to promote sin and chaos. Religious Opposition: In many religious texts, figures, and practices, Satan is depicted as a central antagonist, often opposed by divine figures or forces. Moral Testing: In some religious narratives, Satan plays a role in testing an individual's faith or moral character. Fear and Condemnation: Fear of Satan and the consequences associated with him can be a powerful motivator for adherents of certain faiths to resist temptation and adhere to moral principles.