Mammon - Mammona
Symbol of Mammon


Also known as: Mammona

Areas of influence:

  • Wealth and Money

Average Satisfaction:

Signing a contract with Mammon could unlock:

  • The 1559 Book of Common Prayer
  • Liber de nativitatibus, (Book: Abraham Ibn Ezra )
  • Pseudomonarchia Daemonium (Book: NULL)
  • THE WORLD (Image: Rider-Waite Tarot)
  • Ritual Magic (Book: E.M. Butler)

About Mammon

The story of the demon Mammon is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible itself, but Mammon is a term that appears in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew, as part of a teaching by Jesus. The word "Mammon" is often associated with the love of wealth and material possessions. Here is the relevant passage:

Matthew 6:24 (New Testament, ESV):

"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."

In this passage, Mammon is not depicted as a demon but as a representation of materialism and the pursuit of wealth as an alternative to serving God. It serves as a warning against the dangers of prioritizing worldly possessions over spiritual values.

While Mammon is not described as a demon in the Bible, later Christian traditions and literature have sometimes personified Mammon as a demon or as a personification of greed and avarice. These interpretations are not part of the canonical biblical text but have developed over time in Christian thought and storytelling.

If you are interested in a more detailed story or interpretation of Mammon as a demon, you may want to explore various works of Christian literature and theology, as well as artistic representations and folklore that have developed around the concept of Mammon as a malevolent entity associated with wealth and greed.

Mammon, the demon of greed, wealth, and avarice, has a long and storied history in various religious and mythological traditions. While not as prominent as some other demons, such as Lucifer or Satan, Mammon's influence on human behavior and culture is significant. His life story, like that of many demons, is shrouded in myth and legend.

Birth of Mammon:

Mammon's origins can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia, where he was often associated with the god of wealth and prosperity, Marduk. Over time, as religious beliefs evolved, Mammon became a distinct entity, representing the darker aspects of materialism and greed. He is often depicted as a humanoid figure with insatiable cravings for riches and power.

Rise to Power:

As human civilizations grew, so did the concept of Mammon. In Christian demonology, Mammon is one of the Seven Princes of Hell, responsible for tempting humans into the sin of greed. He is described as a demon who tempts mortals to hoard wealth and prioritize material possessions above all else. Mammon's influence over human societies led to the creation of various myths and legends surrounding him.

Mammon's Temptations:

Throughout history, countless individuals have succumbed to Mammon's temptations. Kings, emperors, and ordinary people have fallen prey to the desire for endless wealth and power. Stories of individuals selling their souls to Mammon in exchange for prosperity have been a common theme in literature and folklore.

Mammon in Literature and Art:

Mammon's character has been featured in various works of literature and art. One of the most famous depictions of Mammon is in John Milton's epic poem "Paradise Lost," where he appears as one of the fallen angels. In this poem, Mammon is described as the demon who suggests that Hell itself can be made into a place of wealth and luxury.

Modern Interpretations:

In modern times, Mammon continues to be a symbol of excessive materialism and greed. He is often referenced in literature, films, and popular culture as a cautionary figure, warning against the destructive nature of unchecked avarice. Many religious traditions and moral teachings emphasize the importance of resisting Mammon's temptations to lead a virtuous life.

Mammon's life story is a reflection of humanity's ongoing struggle with the pursuit of wealth and material possessions at the expense of spiritual and moral values. While he may be a demon in mythology, Mammon serves as a powerful allegory for the vices that can consume individuals and societies when they prioritize material gain above all else. His story serves as a reminder of the eternal battle between the pursuit of wealth and the pursuit of a more meaningful, virtuous existence.

What to expect from Mammon

Mammon is often considered one of the seven deadly sins in Christian theology, representing excessive love or greed for wealth and material possessions. In various mythologies and folklore, Mammon is sometimes personified as a demon or dark entity associated with avarice and wealth. Here is a list of what to expect from the demon Mammon in fictional or symbolic contexts:

Material Obsession: Mammon is typically associated with an intense and unhealthy desire for material wealth and possessions. Expect Mammon to embody the idea that "money is everything." Greed and Avarice: Mammon is often portrayed as excessively greedy, going to great lengths to acquire wealth and power, often at the expense of others. Corruption: Mammon is often depicted as corrupting individuals, leading them down a path of moral decay in the pursuit of riches. Deception: The demon Mammon may use deceitful tactics to manipulate people into making unethical or morally questionable choices in the pursuit of wealth. False Promises: Expect Mammon to make tempting promises of wealth and success, which may ultimately prove empty or come at a high cost. Financial Ruin: In some interpretations, Mammon can lead individuals or societies to financial ruin due to their unquenchable desire for wealth. Hoarding: Mammon may encourage individuals to hoard wealth and possessions, unwilling to share or help those in need. Isolation: Mammon's obsession with wealth can lead to the isolation of individuals, as they prioritize money over relationships and social connections. Conflict and Envy: Mammon's influence can foster jealousy, competition, and conflict among people, especially when they vie for the same riches. Spiritual Emptiness: Those under the influence of Mammon may find themselves spiritually empty, as their focus on material wealth blinds them to deeper values and meaning in life. Addiction to Luxury: Expect Mammon to encourage an addiction to luxury and extravagant lifestyles, often leading to excessive spending and debt. Dissatisfaction: Despite accumulating wealth, those under Mammon's influence may never find true satisfaction, always wanting more and feeling a sense of emptiness. Loss of Compassion: Mammon's obsession with wealth can lead individuals to become less compassionate and less concerned about the well-being of others. Economic Inequality: In a broader societal context, Mammon may symbolize the forces that contribute to economic inequality and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few.