Do I have to pay anything?

No. It's completely free. Your soul will be the exchange currency.

Can I cancel a contract?

No. Once a contract is signed, it remains valid until its expiration date (if set). After the expiration date, the soul you used on the contract will be available again. Choose the duration of the contracts you sign carefully: unlimited contracts can be powerful but difficult to handle.

How can I unlock new knowledge?

Just subscribe and sign one or more contracts. Based on the contracts you signed, you can gather hundreds of useful pieces of information in your Library. For more information, How It Works.

How much soul can I spend?

Every user has 21 Grams of Soul to spend in any way they desire.

How can I set the satisfaction level?

If a specific request written in a contract you signed is granted, indicate the level of satisfaction achieved on your contract by clicking on one of the five empy blocks. You can set the satisfaction level once per contract.

How does Divination Table works?

subscribe and sign at least one contract with the entity of your choice to unlock the Divination Table.

Does it works? Will my wishes come true?

No one knows if what you desire will become a reality. Each experience is different and personal, but selling a few grams of your soul works the same way as the last time you invoked a spiritual entity for help, protection, health, or success.
A series of historical figures signed contracts with various supernatural entities in exchange for their souls, achieving very different results.