Beelzebub - Beelzebul, Belzebuth, Lord of the Flies
Symbol of Beelzebub


Also known as: Beelzebul, Belzebuth, Lord of the Flies

Areas of influence:

  • Power
  • Pleasure and Desire

Average Satisfaction:

Signing a contract with Beelzebub could unlock:

  • A Catholic Prayer Book (Book: Catholic Truth Society and Ignatius Press )
  • The prayer of the Sun. (Info: Picatrix)
  • DEATH (Image: Rider-Waite Tarot)
  • Magical Names of the Hours, and of the Angels who rule them (Image: The Key of Solomon The King)

About Beelzebub

Beelzebub, also known as "Lord of the Flies," is a prominent demon in various religious and mythological traditions, often associated with temptation, decay, and malevolence. Here is a description of the demon Beelzebub:

Beelzebub is typically depicted as a fearsome and grotesque figure. His form combines both human and insectoid elements. He is often portrayed as a tall, imposing demon with leathery wings sprouting from his back. His face bears sinister, sharp features, and his eyes radiate malevolence. Some interpretations include insect-like features, such as compound eyes and a swarm of flies surrounding him.

Beelzebub is renowned for his role as a tempter, preying on the desires and weaknesses of individuals. He entices them to indulge in their cravings, often leading them toward moral decay and spiritual corruption.

Beelzebub's domain includes the sin of gluttony. He is associated with excessive consumption, whether it be of food, drink, or material pleasures, and he encourages indulgence to the point of self-destruction.

The epithet "Lord of the Flies" comes from Beelzebub's name and symbolizes decay, corruption, and the presence of death. Flies are often seen as harbingers of decay and disease, highlighting Beelzebub's association with these dark aspects.

In various religious texts and mythologies, Beelzebub is portrayed as a high-ranking demon, sometimes considered one of the chief demons in Hell. He is often depicted as a rival to other demonic figures, such as Lucifer or Satan, and plays a significant role in tempting souls toward damnation.

Beelzebub's name has permeated literature, art, and popular culture, symbolizing the allure of temptation and the consequences of yielding to one's basest desires. References to Beelzebub can be found in works like "Paradise Lost" by John Milton and "The Exorcist" by William Peter Blatty.

In summary, Beelzebub is a complex and malevolent figure in demonology, representing the seductive power of temptation and the dangers of unchecked indulgence. His appearance and attributes may vary across different traditions, but they consistently emphasize his role as a tempter and purveyor of gluttony and decay.

What to expect from Beelzebub

Beelzebub is often depicted as a demon in various mythologies, folklore, and religious texts, including Christian demonology. While beliefs and descriptions of demons can vary widely across different cultures and belief systems, here are some common attributes and expectations associated with Beelzebub:

Name and Origin: Beelzebub is often referred to as one of the "Seven Princes of Hell" and is considered a high-ranking demon. The name Beelzebub is thought to have originated from the Philistine god Baal-Zebub and later became associated with demons. Lord of Flies: Beelzebub is sometimes known as the "Lord of Flies." This title is derived from the Hebrew term "Baal-Zebub," which can be translated as "Lord of the Flies" or "Lord of the Dung." In some interpretations, he is associated with filth and decay. Satanic Hierarchy: Beelzebub is often considered one of the chief demons in Satan's hierarchy, sometimes ranking just below Satan himself. He is seen as a symbol of temptation, corruption, and evil. Tempter: Beelzebub is believed to be a tempter who lures individuals into sinful and destructive behavior. He is associated with the seduction of humanity away from virtue and righteousness. Demon of Gluttony: In some traditions, Beelzebub is associated with the sin of gluttony, representing excessive indulgence in food and drink. This association underscores the idea of overindulgence leading to spiritual corruption. Depictions: Beelzebub's appearance varies in different depictions. He is often portrayed as a grotesque, monstrous figure with flies or insects swarming around him, emphasizing his association with filth and decay. Symbolism: Beelzebub is often used symbolically to represent the corrupting influence of worldly desires and materialism. He embodies the idea of succumbing to base instincts and desires. Cultural Variations: Beelzebub may be known by different names or have varying characteristics in different cultures and belief systems. For example, in Christianity, he is typically associated with Satan, while in other mythologies, he may have different roles and attributes. Exorcism: Beelzebub is sometimes invoked in exorcism rituals, where priests or spiritual practitioners attempt to cast out evil spirits or demons from possessed individuals.