Divination Tools

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Ask the Tarots

Tarot cards, steeped in centuries of mysticism and symbolism, serve as a captivating tool for divination, offering insights into the past, present, and future. This ancient practice, often associated with the esoteric and the supernatural, has evolved into a modern form of guidance and self-reflection. Divination with Tarot cards is a practice that involves interpreting the symbolism and imagery on these beautifully illustrated cards to gain a deeper understanding of life's mysteries.

The history of Tarot cards is shrouded in mystery. While their origins remain a subject of debate among historians, Tarot cards are believed to have originated in Europe during the late 14th century. Originally, Tarot decks were created for playing card games, but their symbolism and mystique soon led to their use in divination and occult practices. Today, Tarot has become one of the most popular forms of card-based divination.

Divination Tools: Ask the Tarots

A traditional Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana comprises 22 cards, each bearing a unique symbolic image representing profound life experiences. The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles—each with 14 cards, resembling a standard deck of playing cards. These cards, when drawn and interpreted, offer insights into various aspects of life, including emotions, intellect, challenges, and material concerns.

Divination with Tarot cards typically involves a practitioner, known as a Tarot reader, shuffling and laying out the cards in a specific pattern or spread. The seeker (the person receiving the reading) then asks a question or seeks guidance on a particular issue. The reader interprets the cards' imagery, symbolism, and their relative positions to provide insights and answers.

Interpreting Tarot cards requires a deep understanding of the card meanings, but it's not merely a rote exercise. It also involves intuition and the reader's ability to connect the cards with the seeker's situation. Readers may consider the symbolism, numerology, and elemental associations of the cards to derive insights. The interpretation can be influenced by the surrounding cards and their positions in the spread, making each reading unique and personal.


Astragalomancy, a fascinating and ancient form of divination, is a mystical practice that utilizes dice to gain insights into the future or seek guidance from the spiritual realm. This unique and intriguing method of fortune-telling has been employed by various cultures throughout history, each adding its own unique interpretations and symbolism to the practice.

The heart of Astragalomancy lies in the use of specialized dice known as astragali, or knucklebones, which are typically made from the bones or hooves of animals like sheep, goats, or deer. These small, irregularly shaped objects are rich in symbolism and can be marked with symbols or numbers to represent various aspects of life, destiny, or specific questions.

Divination Tools: Ask the Tarots

To perform Astragalomancy, a diviner or practitioner first prepares a sacred space, often incorporating ritual elements to set the mood and invoke spiritual energies. The dice are then cast onto a surface, such as a divination board or marked cloth, and the patterns formed by the positions of the astragali are interpreted.

Astragalomancy is a highly personal and intuitive practice, and interpretations can vary among different practitioners. Some may combine it with other divination techniques or use it as a supplementary tool in their spiritual or fortune-telling practices. The art of Astragalomancy is not only a way to glimpse into the future but also a means of self-reflection and gaining a deeper understanding of one's spiritual journey. It connects the earthly and the ethereal, making it a unique and captivating facet of the world of divination.